Office Accident Claims in Southampton – Injury Compensation

Whilst offices are in the main very safe places to work, especially when compared to building sites and other more manual work environments, they still can present their own risks.  Around the UK and in Southampton, office workers and employees do get injured in accidents that could have been prevented.

Office Accident Claims Southampton
Offices aren’t always as safe as you would like them to be.

In cases such as these, where fault or negligence lies with a third party, other employee, or employer, there could be an office injury or accident claim for compensation.

Compensation for Staff Injured in the Office

All employers are required by law to make the office environment a safe place to work in, and most Southampton and Hampshire businesses will make sure that their office workers are safe. But that doesn’t mean accidents can’t happen – and when they do we are in a position to act as personal injury solicitors for you and can give you the best guidance possible.

If you have been injured whilst in your office and it was the fault of another person or organisation, then you might be eligible for a personal injury compensation claim.

To get started simply call us today on 02382 553 315^.  One of our claims team, who is a specialist in office injury claims, will ask a few simple details then tell you whether we can proceed with compensation for you.

Common Types of Office Accident Claims

Our solicitors and lawyers are able to represent office workers in Southampton and the rest of Hampshire.  The typical accident types that we see are as follows.  Don’t worry if you can’t see an example of the one that might have happened to you whilst working in an office, just call us up and tell us about your own injury circumstances.

Worried About Taking Legal Action Against Your Employer?

All businesses in Southampton and Hampshire will have insurance policies to help guard and protect them against office accident and injury claims.  When you call us we can put your mind at rest, as in most cases it won’t be the office owner and employer who will payout compensation amounts. It will be the insurance company that cover them.

How Much Office Accident Compensation?

Every case that we deal with on behalf of office workers will be very different.  If you call us we can gather more information about yoru specific circumstances and might be able to give you a quick estimate.

In most cases we will arrange an appointment with a personal injury soliucitor slocal to you who can give you a better indication.  Office injury compensation in the UK has ranged from thousands and upwards.  Accident at work claims can cover such a wide variety of circumstances that we need to talk to you as an individual.

We operate on no win no fee* agreements so you can have the peace of mind that you won’t have to take any upfront financial risks when talking to us about office injury claims. Call 02382 553 315^ now. Phone now to make an injury claim after an accident in the office.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

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