Holiday Accident & Illness Claims Compensation

Holiday Accident Compensation Southampton
You should be able to enjoy your holiday – but illness and accidents can happen.

Our no win no fee* solicitors help people to claim for holiday illness and accident compensation. If you became ill on holiday either in Southampton or whilst abroad in a foreign country, then contact us today.

Holiday Accident Claims – Southampton or Abroad

We work on a no win no fee* agreement and can help you to claim back for pain and suffering, days lost from your holiday due to illness, and any other associated expenses and costs.

Call for a free telephone on 02382 553 315^ consultation today so our solicitors and lawyers can tell you where you stand in the eyes of the law.

Making a Holiday Accident Claim

Holiday injury claims are most common in the following areas.

To start your claim simply call our Southampton number.  Our experts will ask you a few simple questions and then be able to tell you whether or not we can help you to claim for compensation.

Holiday Illness Claims – Our Ethos

You should be able to enjoy your holiday to the max.  It’s a time to relax and have fun and do just what you want to do.  So when that time is ruined by illness or an accident it can be a very frustrating time.

Unfortunately accidents and illnesses can happen, because not all venues, hotels, and destinations abroad or in the UK will respect the levels of health and safety that you would expect.  Because of this it’s not uncommon for holiday illness to develop or accidents to happen.

Being ill whilst on holiday or being injured in an accident, not can ruin your vacation but can also have long-lasting ramifications for your own personal health and well-being.

How Much Holiday Accident Compensation?

Personal Injury Solicitors of Southampton are dedicated to helping clients get the best outcome possible when it comes to holiday illness claims – and we will fight to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of holiday illness or accident compensation possible.

Even if you are trying to claim for holiday accident compensation outside of Southampton and the UK then we can help you.  Typically we look to seek damages and costs for the following types of instances relating to your claim when injured or ill and will seek the maximum amounts.

  • Cancelled flights and travel arrangements
  • Days of your holiday you were unable to enjoy
  • Medical costs and care costs
  • Loss of earnings and income
  • Damage to property

For example, if you became ill on a package holiday then our solicitors and lawyers should be able to make a claim against the tour operator and company.  In other cases, for example with an accident including actual physical injuries or food poisoning we can take action against the hotel or accommodation.

Compensation amounts will vary from client to client and we can only estimate once we have the full details of your case.  It will help support your claim if you have photographic evidence and medical records.

Contact us now to get started.

We offer a free phone consultation in the first instance and can quickly tell you whether you can make a claim. Call 02382 553 315^ now. If you were ill or injured on holiday either in Southampton or abroad, then you could be due compensation for holiday illness claims and accident compensation.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

Contact Our Accident Claim Managers Now